Every woman has the dream of becoming a mother. In the event of a mother unable to become a victim, she becomes victim of depression. The attitude of his family also changes towards him, but now science has discovered many ways to overcome infertility. One of these is IVF technology i.e. In Vitro Fertilization. In the artificial way, the process of reconstructing the female egg and the female sperm from the human body outside the human body is called IVF. This technique is being used for nearly 3 decades, but in the recent years it has got huge demand. The main reason for infertility is the absence of hormonal imbalance, obstruction of the female’s failopian tubules, and completely absence of male sperm, or in adequate numbers. Apart from this, if the ducts related to the uterus of the woman are not working, closed or damaged, the child may have an infection in the mouth or is physically disabled and sexual intercourse is not possible if the sexual intercourse is not possible. In such a way, artificial insemination i.e. IVF remains the only way to get the child. In addition to this, there are currently many such techniques available that women unable to become a mother with the help of children can be happy. Currently available technologies are available, ZIFT, GIFT and PGD technology. Investigations are important for women, it is important to know which technology they need. These techniques are commonly used in women who have both failopian tube blocks. There are several reasons for having a block of failopian tubes. For example, acetopic pregnancy, endometriosis or swelling in the tubes etc. Before using these techniques, men and women have to undergo several types of blood tests. In addition to examining semen in men’s investigation, various blood tests such as thyroid, CBC, HIV, VDRRL, blood group investigation, blood sugar and hepatitis ‘B’ are mandatory. If there is a disease during these tests, then the disease is treated before using these techniques. CBC, Blood Sugar, HIV, Hepatitis ‘B’, UDPL, Thyroid, Hormonal Profile are mandatory in women’s blood screening. Apart from these, ultrasound of Pelvice is also important. After all these investigations, women have Histaroscopic and Laparoscopic tests. In this technique, if any polip or rasoli is seen inside the uterus by the telescope, then it can be treated as well. After this, opportunities for the child to stay with the IVF technology increase. The laparoscopic technique is seen inside the stomach and the cause of closure of the fallopian tube can be detected. In the IVF technique, the eggs are removed from the ovaries. This is an outdoor action. Eggs from special tools and put them in a dish. The embryo is prepared by fertilizing it by inserting the male sperm in that dish. After 3 to 4 days, the fetus is pumped by a tube in the uterus by keeping that dish in the incubator. In this technique, first of all patients are treated with a special hormone. This helps in increasing the child. This hormonal treatment moves from 3 to 4 months after the fetus gets into the uterus until the placenta is formed.