
What is Insomnia ?

Insomnia is a sleep-related problem that affects millions of people worldwide. In short, it is difficult for people with insomnia to fall asleep or stay asleep. The effects of insomnia can be very severe.

Insomnia usually increases sleep, lethargy, and the general feeling of being mentally and physically ill during the day. Changes in mood (mood swings), irritability and anxiety are associated with its common symptoms.

Insomnia has a wide range of sleep disorders, with problems ranging from lack of good sleep to decreased sleep duration. Insomnia is usually divided into three types:

Temporary Insomnia – It occurs when symptoms last for three nights.

Acute Insomnia – It is also called short term insomnia. Symptoms continue for several weeks.

Chronic Insomnia – It usually lasts for months and sometimes years.

Insomnia can affect a person of any age. It is more common in adult females than adult males. Sleep disorder can weaken school and work performance. It also causes obesity, anxiety, depression, irritability, concentration problems, memory problems, weakened immune system functionality and reduced reaction time.

The causes of insomnia include psychological factors, medications, and hormone levels.

Insomnia treatment can be therapeutic or practical.

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