Senior Consultant , Nephrologist
MBBS, MD(Medicine), DNB(Nephrology)
Dr. Sanjiv Saxena is a renowned Nephrology Physician practicing at the Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute (PSRI), New Delhi. He is the Senior Consultant and Head of the Nephrology Department at the hospital. He is among the most successful Nephrologists in India, specializing in primary & secondary Glomerular Diseases, Haemodialysis and Pression. Dr. Saxena completed his MBBS, MD (General Medicine) and DNB (Nephrology) from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. He has done a course in Nephrology from AIIMS, and was the Reviewer of Abstracts for World Congress of Nephrology, Vancouver, Canada. He has been awarded the fellowships of Indian Society of Nephrology and Geriatric Society of India
Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute
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